This is an image showing various work done by Suchet Budon

Here are the rates and costs for hiring Suchet for various services:

cinematography and movie production services from Suchet

Filming and Production Services by Suchet

On location and Studio Service: Filming of  Business events, Meetings, and Presentations.  Property views.  Drama and creative work.
Filming, Cinematography: from £750 per day or £200 per hour –  (with one day of editing included free, additional days of editing costs are below.)

Editing video footage from £450 per day or £100 per hour

Important note:  If the location of filming is out of the West Midlands area, we may charge a cost for travel.

For actors and students, filming short showreels, and auditions only: from £225 per day, or £50 per hour




Sound design and music composition services by Suchet Budon

Sound Design and Music Composition Services

Voice dubbing: from £450 per day or £100 per hour

(This can be dubbing actors’ voices for drama and/or creative work, or documentary and event sound)

Additional voice actor hire:  from £150 per day

Movie sound effects : from £750 per day, or £175 per hour

Movie soundtrack design, and music composition: from £1400 per day, or £300 per hour

Editing and enhancing existing sound and effects: From £400 per day, or £100 per hour




Photography and design services by Suchet Budon

Photography and Design Services

Photography: from £650 per day, or £200 per hour

Photo editing: from £450 per day, or £100 per hour

Graphic Design and Branding: from £450 per day, or £100 per hour

Actors portfolio photos or headshots: 150 per hour
(we will do a minimum of 3 headshots.)






Copywriting, Screenwriting, and Content Design by Suchet Budon

Copywriting, Content Design, and Screenwriting Services

Content writing: from £650 per day

Screenplay writing: from £100 per page

Dialogue writing for movies: £200 per hour to £550 per day

Speech writing for meetings, presentations, and shows: from £150 per hour or £450 per day