Impressive Storyboards created for The Deliverance movie by Suchet Budon - This was created automatically by the Ai in LTX Studio free version. The image shows two characters, a young lady Josephine, and her friend Anton, who are having some reservations about continuing with their hiking trip.

So I decided to experiment with LTX studio – I had been seeing so many advertisements for it on YouTube that I thought this looks good – I registered for the free version – Was quite impressed with the way it looked and it seemed easy when it gave meContinue Reading

Neharika Shahi stars in RAHANA 1984

RAHANA 1984 is the short 15 minute movie prequel to the feature length RAHANA movie we are currently filming.  We began filming RAHANA 1984 in January 2019, on a 3 day filming schedule, during a short break from the filming of the full feature length RAHANA movie. RAHANA 1984 isContinue Reading

CODEY EPISODE 4 Teaser poster

I have completed the script for EPISODE 4 of CODEY – The story takes place on a high-tech train with some unexpected twists, and it turns itself on its head in this episode.  It adds the claustrophobic elements I want for a zombie suspense thriller with deep human drama andContinue Reading