CODEY Episode 3:  THE ISLAND was a treat to work on.  The story has Codey and her friends arrive at Mount Jefferson’s Island.  A huge luxury tourist island that is completely man-made by an eccentric billionaire Stephan Trunkette.Continue Reading

RAHANA 3D Storyboard by Suchet Budon

  Intense scene planning in progress, which includes storyboarding and planning character actions and camera angles for the first scenes where Manohar (Shaid Parvaz) meets his long-lost best-friend Sanju (Fraz Awan) at London’s Trafalgar Square.   Due to current lockdown, I’m conscious of the time it would take to do theseContinue Reading

Fictional Timeline setting of all movies by Suchet Budon

CODEY, RAHANA and CODENAME VASQUEZ share characters, some that crossover into each story.  There is a general theme running through the movies of ‘Creation’ or ‘Fathering’and ‘Love’ and ‘Caring’. So even though some of them may seem very science fiction, they have a romantic emotional thread running through them; RAHANAContinue Reading

Big building which reaches up into the clouds

We started production on CODEY EPISODE 3: THE ISLAND last night.  This one is set mainly on the fictional Mount Jeffersons Island and involves fun, darkly comical drama, and suspense.  Many of the characters meet at a blow-out which also adds to the fun element. The script for Episode 3Continue Reading